What is Angular

2 min readMay 5, 2021


It is the platform / Framework for building Mobile and Desktop application.

The main feature of Angular is we can build single page application which gives app like feeling.

  • Angular was introduce by GOOGLE in 2009 and it was officially released in 2010
  • It is a opensource Software


  • It reduce the development cost
  • Angular makes DOM dynamic
  • Angular provided detail documentation in there site ..(angular.io)
  • Learning Angular is very easy.
  • We have very less concepts in Angular.


The first drawback in Angular is google will release new version for every 6months. and they will give 2 years supports for LTS version .

  • Now the latest version of angular is Angular 11

Angular Project

  • Angular provide cli commands to make every thing easy
  • To create new Angular Project we have cli command . go to terminal and type
  • After creating new project the project file contain node modules and app component

Angular Basics

  • We have only 5 basic topics in angular
  1. components
  2. Modules
  3. Directives
  4. Pipes
  5. Services

Angular Starts

Let start our angular with components

  • let us known what is components and how to use it.
  • component is the small part of UI.

for Eg: Lets take on car .In car we many components like engine , tyres, sets and etc…

  • like that lets take another example FaceBook page in that we have many components like navbar, post cards, status card, etc…
  • simply we can called component as small part of big UI.
  • To create new component we have cli command
  • using this command we can create new component

The balance topics we will see in upcoming post..

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