- For those who haven’t read the previous blog, click here to read [Beginning-1]. Without going through the last blog, this one might be difficult to understand.
As I mentioned in the previous blog, on March 25, 2022, we received a new requirement. The management asked us to add a membership option in the library and to include a membership renewal option for students who had already passed out.
- We were a bit upset at this point, as we hadn’t considered passed-out students until now. However, we had some ideas for the membership renewal process, so we started working on it. It took almost two days to complete, and now the date is March 27, 2022.
- We had almost finished the task, but once again, our happiness was short-lived. A new problem arose unexpectedly.
After completing the membership module, we proudly stated that it was finished. The management asked us to show a demo, so we quickly set everything up and presented it to them. After viewing the entire demo, they told us that they had asked for an online payment method for the passed-out student membership renewal. We were shocked by this statement — it took a little time for us to fully process what they had said.
After all those conversations, we finally asked if they had any payment gateway method in mind. They told us they would have a client meeting the next morning at 8:00 AM to discuss it further.
Now, the date is March 30, 2022. I woke up early at 6:00 AM and reached college before 8:00 AM. I think this is the first time I’ve arrived at college ahead of time. Usually, I don’t even manage to get there on time!
- After reaching college, I quickly set up my laptop for the meeting. Once the link came through, we joined the meeting. Suddenly, my laptop speaker stopped working. After a bit of struggle, we managed to fix it.
- This was our first time speaking to the client. We proceeded with the demo, but in the middle of it, the client suddenly asked us to stop. We were confused and didn’t know what was happening, so we asked, “What happened, sir?” He responded, “This is not what we asked for in the project…”
Stay connected for the upcoming blog! It will be even more interesting, with new twists and turns…